Friday 15 July 2011

Assignment 1 Photo Journal PART 2

This photo is a beautiful shot of the woods, 
even though it is swampy the photographer managed 
to make it beautiful and serene.

This picture has been altered with the sepia setting.
 Although it is altered it is still beautiful.

Press photography is generally used to capture the emotion in a moment in a photo. Press photography is frequently used in tabloids, magazines, newspapers, media etc. Its ultimate objective is to make the viewer understand what is happening in that moment by looking at the photograph. Although it is very difficult to capture, press photography has been very effective in the early years and also today. These photographs are intended to give the entire story by one shot. “You are talking too much with your pictures. We only need documents. We have editors to write the text, to go with it” (p. 90).Kertzes.
His photographs were so intense it felt as if he's telling an entire story through the photo.

Art photography is “photographs that are created in accordance with the creative vision of the photographer as artist”. It is a display of how the photographer feels about a photo. It’s the photographer’s own unique way of showing a possible different side to a photo. For example a photographer can take a picture of a dying rose and still make it look beautiful. Art photography is used to express the emotion of the artist that is taking the photo.

What differentiates art photography and press photography is that one is supposed to depict a specific emotion whereas the other is up to your own preference. Art photography can be altered because it is up to you what you want to do with the photo. Art photography is about being creative and being careless with your emotions.

This photo is about the anti-government riots in Athens.
 It sends such a strong message, 
even though not much is happening in the photo. 
The blood trickling down his hand is very eye catching.

Press photography has a more rigorous obligation to display the truth. It should have an appropriate outcome and not a misleading one. Their aim is to capture the best images in order to document an event, tell a story or convey a message. With press photography it is difficult to capture a photo without being deceptive or hypocritical. That’s why press photographers have a responsibility to make sure that their photos cannot be misinterpreted. Press photography unlike art photography has more to do with the event rather than the photographers view. "According journalistic codes of ethics journalists must not alter their images because their role is to report about various events and inform the audience about facts."
 This photo is a photograph based in China. 
It displays a suffering child being carried by a soldier. 
You can see the pain that the child has to go through
 in Sichuan’s earthquake.

In my opinion press photography should not be altered due to the fact that It provides people with the validity of the event and a personal connection to the subjects of the story. Generally, press photography provides the audience with facts about present events that are taking place around the world, and if you were altering that then how do we know what to believe is real or not. On the other hand art photography, I believe, is ethical to alter. Art photography is expressing your thoughts through a photo, and if it involves altering it then so be it. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. With art photography you are not trying to depict an emotion at a given moment. You want to make the viewers think or have their own perceptions of a photo.


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